This is the 6th volume of tracks made by the amazing artists from the AE Modular forum All tracks made with the AE Modular synthesizer and all proceeds from sales go to Musician Without Borders.
The 5th Volt
Superbooth Berlin 2024
Superbooth was hectic again this year, especially with our own SupAEbooth inception booth! For the first time, Robert from tangiblewaves shared the booth with Toms aka Kyaa, John aka Wonkystuff and Gregory and Zeno from BFSynths. These guys were totally rocking it as you can see in this Instagram post:
Robert showed off the new IMDI modules which bring MIDI to the modular. Check out this video:
The other guys also had a lot of new gear to present so I wrapped all of their presentations into one loooong video (use the chapter links to navigate):
After 3 really full on days we all relaxed with some pizzas and beers and talked about what went well and what could be improved in future events. This video is probably for super nerds only, but it was fun to make, so enjoy!
AE Modular: Making a Berlin School Track
Samplyr Drone
tAEpestry – An AE Modular Drone
This drone got out of hand. It started with two oscillators and 4 filters then some modulation of the filters, some delay and then a bass, some percussion and playing some notes on the keyboard with real time modulation of delay time via the mod strip.
For the 5th year in a row we’ve been making these community albums where all proceeds support Musicians without Borders.
This album is again filled with jaw dropping good tracks, please have a listen and buy the album for a great cause.
Live at Electric City
Last weekend I was invited by Ed of Elk Elektronik to perform at the Electric City event. This was held at a cosy little bookstore in downtown Wollongong. Synths and books are my favourite things in life, so I felt like I was in heaven and had a wonderful time playing to a sympathetic audience of electronic music enthusiasts.
AE Modular Mini Systeme
Fun with the MicroStAEtion
I was inspired by Matt Wand’s jam at Superbooth and have been thinking about the little case for a while since. I think it is perfect for really getting to know one or two modules really deeply without being distracted by all the other modules in a bigger rack.
Here are my first two videos I made with this rack and I’m sure more will follow in the next few weeks.
Superbooth 2023 – HAND Hear what you see
Sascha is a really consummate artist and his work flows between the rhythmical (he’s a drummer by trade), the ambient (he gives workshops on how to make music with tapeloops) and the visual. For his visuals he’s interested in making sound visible by using old, fluorescent oscilloscope and sending audio into them which he programs using Pd, a graphical programming language for programming sound.
Please check out his gallery of images on his website: