Here is a little jam from my new studio setup. After many weeks of low energy, creative block and procrastination I finally took the time to sit down with my synths and try to merge them all together into a short jam.
Volca, Deluge and Wavestate Jam
This is just a quick jam with the Volca FM, Deluge and Wavestate just to do something different for a change!
Saturday Synth Jam – A Day On Mars
Join me for a day out on Mars as we will follow those smart little robots Spirit Rover and Curiosity as they discover the Red Planet. This Saturday Jam starts with an ambient wave sequence from the Korg Wavestate followed by a thumping beat from the AE Modular. The final part of the journey is supported by a song composed and performed on the Synthstrom Deluge.
I’m so happy that I again found the inspiration to combine these three amazing instruments into one coherent performance. It took a whole day to experiment, patch, tweak, practice, perform and finally mix and master the video. Even though I had to do it from good old Earth, it was a day well spent!
This track is now also on Bandcamp!
New Release – Drone Day 2020
This album has a live recording of the set that I developed while performing a YouTube Live Stream on World Drone Day. If you don’t want to sit through 6 hours recording, then this album captures the essence of that night.
All sounds recorded live from AE Modular from tangible waves, Synthstrom Deluge, Korg Wavestate and Korg Volca FM.
My Studio is complete
It was a fun journey, fuelled by GAS and not knowing what to do and how to do it. But now I feel that with my latest acquisitions I have narrowed it down to the essentials: The AE Modular from tangible waves for for modular experimentation, the Deluge from Synthstrom Audible for all sequencing, sampling, looping and beats and now for all the digital and bombastically orchestral sounds – the brand new Korg Wavestate. For FM sounds I also have the Korg Volca FM, but currently I’m not sure when I will have time for it.
With these instruments I have now finally no more excuses. I can (theoretically) make any sound that I would ever want. The Deluge can play any sample and even single cycle waveforms. The Wavestate has a store of over 1000 different sounds that can be morphed, cycled and shaped.