Superbooth Berlin 2024

Superbooth was hectic again this year, especially with our own SupAEbooth inception booth! For the first time, Robert from tangiblewaves shared the booth with Toms aka Kyaa, John aka Wonkystuff and Gregory and Zeno from BFSynths. These guys were totally rocking it as you can see in this Instagram post:

Robert showed off the new IMDI modules which bring MIDI to the modular. Check out this video:

The other guys also had a lot of new gear to present so I wrapped all of their presentations into one loooong video (use the chapter links to navigate):

After 3 really full on days we all relaxed with some pizzas and beers and talked about what went well and what could be improved in future events. This video is probably for super nerds only, but it was fun to make, so enjoy!