Last weekend I was invited by Ed of Elk Elektronik to perform at the Electric City event. This was held at a cosy little bookstore in downtown Wollongong. Synths and books are my favourite things in life, so I felt like I was in heaven and had a wonderful time playing to a sympathetic audience of electronic music enthusiasts.
Live Performance
Robert Langer – A Patch from Scratch
In May 2022 I visited Robert and the tangible waves team at their headquarters in Murnau in Bavaria. After a series of interviews and videos about the production workflow, Robert showed me his little sanctuary, a former chapel within the building which he has rented to play music and to get inspiration for his module creations. Here, Robert is showing us his process of creating a performance from scratch in the style of Klaus Schulze who had just died a few days before we recorded this video.
Live at Elk Elektronik in Wollongong
I performed live at the Elk Elektronik Synth Sessions in Wollongong, where I demonstrated how to create an 80’s disco track from scratch using the Synth Explorer from tangible waves with a few extra modules.
Check out Elk’s website for more information of upcoming synth sessions:
Live at Smith’s Alternative
The Canberra Synth Facebook Group invited me to perform at the newly organised monthly “Evening of Electronica” so I went and did “patch from scratch” where I created a patch on the fly while explaining what I’m doing and why.
Overall, I think it was well received and I’m looking forward to performing there again next year, hopefully.
Presenting AE Modular at ELK ELEKTRONIK
Last weekend I travelled the 5 hours up north to Wollongong for the Synth Meet at ELK ELEKTRONIK to perform and present the AE Modular system.
There were only 10 people due to the COVID restrictions, but it was fun and totally worth it.
Thanks a lot to Jono who let me stay at his place and to Ed and Hannah from ELK who organised the event.
Jono has so much gear and his blog is a treasure trove of knowledge on how to use and repair it.

Live in Sydney at Synthstrom World Tour 2020
I was invited to play a short set in Sydney at the Synthstrom World Release Tour 2020 in Sydney. I was delighted to be there and didn’t mind the 6 hour drive up to Sydney past the beautiful countryside where everything was green again after all this rain and the burnt bush was in full recovery. The event was amazing! Everyone there was so skilled with their Deluges, it just made it very clear to me that I’m really only at the very beginning of using this deep and amazing instrument. Thanks to DJ Jon Dent (Jono), True Cuckoo, Terminal Race, Hentaimagi, TactileAF and the truly breathtaking Filmmaker for a wonderful and inspiring evening. I was so nervous that I rushed through my track and played it in half the time that I intended, so here is the proper version recorded directly on the Deluge at home with some impressions from the trip and snippets of the live performance.
Live at Oscillations 2019
This is the final video of my first live performance together with Adam on guitar at Oscillations 2019 the first ever synth festival in the Bega Valley in NSW, Australia.
Big thanks to Sats Kramer and Ray Toms for the camera work and especially Scott Baker for mixing and cutting it all up into this video!