Here I was playing with a new Grains firmware and ended up really enjoying the digital oscillators in my system, the SAWVOX and WAVETABLE, which, with some careful filter modulation, sound really nice and fat analogish (if that’s a word).
Jamuary 2021
Jamuary 2021 #2 – A Meditative Jam
This jam is much slower and almost follows a very slow breath – in – out – in – out. The finale somehow became strangely ominous, but as I don’t really know where inspiration leads me, I just have to follow.
Again the thumbnail was made by my son Robin, who’s getting really good at this!
This recording is also the first made with my new audio interface, the Behringer UMC-404 HD and. oh boy, does this make a difference! No more hissing noises! Clean sound, manageable levels, I should have bought this ages ago! This time I’ve also recorded it straight into Reaper and applied some light compression to the mix.
Happy Jamuary 2021
This is my first jam for the year in the spirit of Jamuary. Already the year starts much better than last year with plenty of rain instead of bush fires! Now I have a few more days of holidays and want to spend them jamming!